Talking CEO Activism with Ivey HBA Students

Ivey Business School exterior and grounds

In the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to guest lecture at Ivey Business School. This year, I was invited to talk about CEO activism. With the pandemic forcing classes online, Ivey HBA Faculty Director Mary Weil and I moved our class to a video chat, discussing questions submitted from her HBA students.

What great questions they had and really interesting timing. Mary and I talked just before CEOs started to really sort out how they would react to the Covid-19 crisis, or if they would at all.

Here’s a video of our conversation, in which we discussed questions such as:

1) How does senior leadership go about managing the interest of its shareholders while simultaneously trying to contribute to social causes that may interfere with the views of the shareholders/board?


2) How do you think the size of the corporation effects the CEO’s duty to support efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19?

In the next few blog posts I’ll answer a few more of the questions that students submitted.

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Posted by Cheryl
Cheryl works with C-Suite executives to build and manage their personal reputations. Making the CEO successful is her passion.